It’s never too late to improve your communication skills!
Accent modification (also referred to as accent reduction or accent neutralization) is the process of reducing the effect of regional or first-language influence on the pronunciation of English. The treatment involves three steps: recognition, reproduction and repetition. First, sound awareness must be developed. Many speakers don’t even realize that they have an accent and are unable to hear the difference between their own pronunciation and standard pronunciation. Training in active listening will help build this recognition. Once a person is able to recognize the different sounds, stress & intonation patterns and rhythms of English, he or she will be able to move to the next step; reproduction. Learners must be trained to move the muscles in their mouths in a different manner in order to reproduce some new sounds, which are not part of their native language sound repertoire. Lastly, learners will only retain these new patterns through lots of repetition; training their mouths and ears through continuous drill work.
Speech Solutions’ accent modification program will teach you to produce the sounds of Standard American English and give you greater confidence in your communication skills. A strong foreign accent can prevent you from achieving your professional or personal goals and reaching your full potential. In today’s competitive environment, clear pronunciation and correct grammar are essential.
This treatment program is designed to meet the specific needs of our clients and is tailored to meet their personal and/or organizational requirements. One-on-one, small-group, or large-group accent reduction training is available in your home or office. All treatment sessions are provided by a certified Speech-Language Pathologist. The program includes the following treatment areas:
- Rhythm and stress patterns.
- Correct vowel and consonant pronunciation.
- Using intonation to reflect attitudes and emotions.
- The relationship between spelling and pronunciation.
- Accent familiarization and extended listening practice.
- Correct usage of vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure.

If you are seriously interested in improving the sound and style of your speech please contact Speech Solutions to set up a free telephone consultation. You may also be eligible to receive financial coverage through your extended health care insurance provider.